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Most predictions people make are casual and inaccurate. But sometimes a prediction hits the mark exactly. Unfortunately, that was the case with a 27-year-old motorcyclist who had long told friends and family that he would die on a motorcycle. As Read more…

As anyone who has ever driven the Florida Turnpike that passes by Clermont knows, the most intimidating vehicles on our state’s highways are the tractor-trailer trucks. Those enormous vehicles are not only heavy, but they are too often piloted by Read more…

Can you watch television while driving? Most people would probably say they can’t watch TV and drive a car safely at the same time. Can you read a book? Most people would probably say they can’t read a book and Read more…

About 60 miles west of Clermont, two women were badly injured after one vehicle broadsided another. The car accident was in Shady Hills near the intersection of Drayton Street and County Line Road, according to a spokesperson with the Florida Highway Patrol. Read more…